What is an infection?
- Invasion and proliferation of microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, parasites) and the toxins they produce
- Oral infections arise mainly from tooth related diseases like cavities
- Can spread from one local area to multiple other structures in the head and neck region
Why is it important to treat an infection?
- To better maintain your overall health
- To prevent other potential problems in the future such as:
- Spread of infection to other structures in the head and neck region
- Significant problems such as the inability to breathe
- Treating an infection early may lead to better long-term results
How do we treat infections?
- Treat the infected area
- Incision and drainage: removing the pus and cleaning out the area
- Treating the cause
- Removing the source of infection, for example by extraction of infected teeth
- Adjunctive therapy
- Antibiotics by mouth or by IV
At Rouge River Oral Surgery, we provide:
- Will assess your swelling in a very timely manner
- Consultation and treatment plan based on your needs and goals
- We work with your dentist or dental specialist so that you can achieve a result that best suits your situation
- Deep sedation and general anesthesia
- In-house x-rays including 3-D scans as needed